Funny or die presenta: l'arte di fare affari di Donald Trump - Il film 2016

Funny or Die presents a satirical rendition of Donald Trump's 1987 best selling business book, The Art of the Deal.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie
  • BR: Donald Trump e a Arte dos Negócios Donald Trump e a Arte dos Negócios
  • BR: Funny or Die Apresenta: A Arte dos Negócios de Donald Trump - O Filme Funny or Die Apresenta: A Arte dos Negócios de Donald Trump - O Filme
  • CA: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie
  • MX: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie
  • RU: Искусство заключать сделки Искусство заключать сделки
  • US: Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie
  • US: Funny or Die Presents: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie Funny or Die Presents: Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie
Data di rilascio 10 Feb 2016
Link IMDb


Funny or die presenta: l'arte di fare affari di Donald Trump - Il film 2016