I lifvets vår 1913


Little Gerta, when her mother dies. is brought to her father, Carl Von Seydling, a government official, who deserted his wife and child a few years before. Councilor Van Seydling found the child's presence in his household to be c...

Tutti i titoli
  • SE: I lifvets vår I lifvets vår
  • BR: Na Primavera da Vida Na Primavera da Vida
  • DK: Livets Foraar eller Tiggerbarnets sælsamme Skæbne Livets Foraar eller Tiggerbarnets sælsamme Skæbne
  • FI: Elämän keväänä Elämän keväänä
  • FI: I lifvets vår I lifvets vår
  • FR: Au printemps de la vie Au printemps de la vie
  • FR: Le printemps de la vie Le printemps de la vie
  • HU: Az élet tavaszán Az élet tavaszán
  • JP: Jinsei no haru Jinsei no haru
  • PL: W wiośnie życia W wiośnie życia
  • SE: Första älskarinnan Första älskarinnan
  • SE: I lifvets vår I lifvets vår
  • SE: I vårens tid I vårens tid
  • UA: In the Springtime of Life In the Springtime of Life
  • US: The Springtime of Life The Springtime of Life
Data di rilascio 01 Aug 1913
Link IMDb
