Inu to arukeba: Chirori to Tamura 2004

Family Family

Dumped by a bored pet owner, a mixed-breed mutt ends up with three time loser Yasuyuki, who's loveless, homeless and jobless. Yasuyuki finds solace in the dog, whom he calls Tamura, and uses it to mend fences with his ex, who's di...

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Inu to arukeba: Chirori to Tamura Inu to arukeba: Chirori to Tamura
  • CN: 男人与流浪狗 男人与流浪狗
  • JP: 犬と歩けば チロリとタムラ 犬と歩けば チロリとタムラ
  • JP: Walking with the Dog Walking with the Dog
Data di rilascio 01 May 2004
Link IMDb
