Jin yu man tang 1995

Comedy Romance

Kit is a gangster looking to start a new life as a chef in Canada, so he can be closer to his girlfriend. But in his struggle to learn the fine art of cuisine, he runs across a red-headed ...

Tutti i titoli
  • HK: Jin yu man tang Jin yu man tang
  • FR: Le festin chinois Le festin chinois
  • DE: Das Bankett des Kaisers Das Bankett des Kaisers
  • HK: Gam yuk moon tong Gam yuk moon tong
  • HK: The Chinese Feast The Chinese Feast
  • RU: Китайский пир Китайский пир
  • VN: Kim Ngoc Man Duong Kim Ngoc Man Duong
  • HK: The Chinese Feast The Chinese Feast
Data di rilascio 28 Jan 1995
Link IMDb
