Kim Soo Ro 2010

Drama Romance

Kim Sooro was the legendary founder of the Gaya kingdom in ancient Korea. He won the competition for the power from his rivals and defended his land from the ambitions of the aggressive neighbors.

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Kim Soo Ro Kim Soo Ro
  • IO: Kim Soo Ro Kim Soo Ro
  • IO: Iron King Iron King
  • JP: 鉄の王キム・スロ 鉄の王キム・スロ
  • RO: Legendele palatului: Kim Suro, regele de fier Legendele palatului: Kim Suro, regele de fier
  • KR: Kim Su-ro Kim Su-ro
  • KR: Kim Soo Ro Kim Soo Ro
  • KR: The Iron King The Iron King
  • KR: Kim Su-ro, the Iron King Kim Su-ro, the Iron King
Data di rilascio 29 May 2010
Link IMDb
