Shiloh, un cucciolo per amico 2 1999

Drama Family Thriller

When Shiloh abusive previous owner, Judd Travers, tries to retake Shiloh again, Ray tries to find a way to end the rivalry and open up the hidden kindness within the town drunk.

Tutti i titoli
  • UA: Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season
  • AR: Mi amigo Shiloh - Una nueva aventura Mi amigo Shiloh - Una nueva aventura
  • AU: Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season
  • AU: Shiloh 2: A Dog's Tale Shiloh 2: A Dog's Tale
  • BR: Shiloh 2: Amigos para Sempre Shiloh 2: Amigos para Sempre
  • BG: Шайло 2 Шайло 2
  • CA: Shiloh II Shiloh II
  • GR: Shiloh 2: I aftothysia Shiloh 2: I aftothysia
  • HU: Csavargó kutya 2. Csavargó kutya 2.
  • NL: De Nieuwe Avonturen van Shailo De Nieuwe Avonturen van Shailo
  • PL: Dzielny pies Shiloh 2 Dzielny pies Shiloh 2
  • RO: Cel mai bun stapan din lume Cel mai bun stapan din lume
  • ES: Sailoh 2, el regreso Sailoh 2, el regreso
  • US: A Dog's Tale A Dog's Tale
  • US: Shiloh II: A Dog's Tale Shiloh II: A Dog's Tale
Data di rilascio 02 Jul 1999
Link IMDb
