Il Re Scorpione: il delle Anime 2018

Action Adventure Fantasy

The Scorpion King teams up with a female warrior named Tala, who is the sister of The Nubian King. Together they search for a legendary relic known as The Book of Souls, which will allow them to put an end to an evil warlord.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Scorpion King: Book of Souls The Scorpion King: Book of Souls
  • BR: O Escorpião Rei 5: O Livro das Almas O Escorpião Rei 5: O Livro das Almas
  • BG: Кралят на скорпионите: Книгата на душите Кралят на скорпионите: Книгата на душите
  • CA: The Scorpion King: Book of Souls The Scorpion King: Book of Souls
  • FR: Le Roi Scorpion - Le Livre des âmes Le Roi Scorpion - Le Livre des âmes
  • DE: Scorpion King: Das Buch der Seelen Scorpion King: Das Buch der Seelen
  • GR: The Scorpion King 5: Το Βιβλίο των Ψυχών The Scorpion King 5: Το Βιβλίο των Ψυχών
  • GR: Ο Βασιλιάς Σκορπιός 5: Το Βιβλίο των Ψυχών Ο Βασιλιάς Σκορπιός 5: Το Βιβλίο των Ψυχών
  • JP: スコーピオン・キング5 スコーピオン・キング5
  • PL: Król Skorpion: Ksiega dusz Król Skorpion: Ksiega dusz
  • RU: Царь Скорпионов: Книга Душ Царь Скорпионов: Книга Душ
  • RS: Kralj škorpiona 5: Knjiga duša Kralj škorpiona 5: Knjiga duša
  • ES: El Rey Escorpión: El libro de las almas El Rey Escorpión: El libro de las almas
  • TR: Akrep Kral 5: Ruhlar Kitabı Akrep Kral 5: Ruhlar Kitabı
  • UA: The Scorpion King: Book of Souls The Scorpion King: Book of Souls
  • US: The Scorpion King: Book of Souls The Scorpion King: Book of Souls
Data di rilascio 23 Oct 2018
Link IMDb
